The research is dedicated to the exploration of the boundary between disorder and harmony so as to capture the role of chaos in stimulating positive change and the birth of new ideas. By analysing the multiple circumstances in which chaos reigns, it has become clear that the creating of new meanings and breakthrough changes in the world around us is only possible by passing through the critical point of chaos accumulation.

A human tendency is to give meaning to the phenomena of the environment, to create a narrative for seemingly inexplicable stories. But only a transition through a critical mass of chaos can create new inconceivable concepts that haven't been examined yet. The artists address the theme of chaos and its ubiquity in all aspects of life and nature: in art, science, philosophy and harmony, environmental changes, language, and time.

The media installation is called The 5th Order of Chaos. Its seemingly conflicting title refers to the subject of study — how entropy generates order and vice versa. The answer to this question is partly provided by mathematics. For example, Euler's formula linking two irrational numbers of infinite length eventually provides the order.

The project offers to look at the real-time formation of quasicrystals as a process of chaos transformation, a kind of transition between different levels of disorder. It seems to us that the structure is ordered, but this is a trick of the eyes: these bodies are disordered, any point in each of them is not like any other.
Quasicrystals are an extremely exotic state of matter, discovered in 1982 by an international team of scientists. This state is possible to describe using a multidimensional view of the world. This state can only be described based on a multidimensional view of the world. On the one hand, these substances are ordered, but on the other hand, it is impossible to deduce their symmetry parameters. One of the techniques for creating quasicrystals is to go beyond our three-dimensional space, through irrational cross-sections of five-dimensional cubic crystals. It is absolutely unclear where these additional dimensions come from, the physical sense of which is incomprehensible. What if we live in a space that exceeds our perceived three dimensions?

In artistic terms, the media installation refers to the structure of mosaics, which have a non-periodic order and are based on mnemonic rules such as those found in the decoration of Islamic architecture in Uzbekistan and the decoration of Iranian mosques. Only two types of tile patterns are required so that an infinite ornament can be created by connecting them visually. The ornament is generated by the same laws, but will never be repeated.
Аудиовизуальная инсталляция была создана специально для ICPC World Finals совместно с Константином Новоселовым и Кейт Доуди, а также вошла в программу выставки "Искусство будущего" в Мультимедиа Арт Музее (Москва, 2021).
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